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Friday, July 31, 2009

O.M.G. many matters happened..... dono whether i should be happy or angry. What i want now is...................PEACE!! So, cya.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

3 Bad News, 1 Good News

Ok, bad news first. I lost my female kitty, crushed by lorry. My old yellow cat injured, with the paw torn by 'something'. Now my female kitty can't reunion with her brother. Next is good news, I heard from my dad that he saw my male kitty at a shop near mine. I knew it. Coz the other day, I felt that he is alive. But the possibility that, that male kittie is mine is 90%. I haven't see him with my own eyes. Sadness filled my heart. Now no one is waiting for me at the store of my shop. I feel so lonely without them. Usually I'll hear my kitties 'Meowing' for me. Now... it's so silent... I want them back.... Why is it that God always take away my loved ones? What have I done wrong? Sigh*.... I hope I can see my male kitty soon... Oh.... God please give them back to me.... they are still so young.... This is all for now....Cya....