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Monday, October 19, 2009


only a few. a lot more that i took. lazy to post la. this is all, cya.

Granado Espada

I started playing Granado Espada a looooooong time ago. few years ago? and quit. Now I'm playing it again. Started a new char, now my level is 46, 45, 45. cool eh? When I quit, my old characters was.....18, 18, 18. Well It's a nice game. Got a lot of new RNPC, Recruitable NPC. Well, made a few screenshots. I'm gonna post it in another post coz lazy to edit la. So, cya, in the post.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Finnaly. updated. lolz... nothing to post about la.... btw I'm going back to SKTM for mooncake festival tmr. But not confirm whether got or not. Zzz... this year so late tell when the mooncake festival. I think it's tmr, friday. That's what everyone said. Anyways I found a new singer. AYUMI HAMASAKI!! The song at the playlist is her's. I found Yuna Ito quite a long time ago. But forgot to post the picture and download her songs... juz did it juz now. Next week PMR and all those exam for morning session. Afternoon session end year exam coming. So, I must study hard and score high marks so I can get to transfer to DJ. I might not be posting for this month. coz study la... but I'll still listen to musics coz no music = no life. get it? zzz..... Anyways ciao. This is all, cya. (phew finnaly updated. [some rubbish] )