The Odd Life Of A Teenager: Phew....


Waaaaa~~~~~. Damn tiring wei!! Today I forgot to bring my family tree photo again!! Damn it....but lucky me la coz teacher didn't scold but I have to pass up by tommorow. Btw one of my subject teachers is so retarded wei. She is VERY BAD in her english grammar and her Bahasa Melayu. Damn NOOB wei!! When half way teaching she suddenly forget the word that she needs to say. Example: "Hari ini saya mahu ajar tentang...uh.....apa perkataan itu ye Nilai Murni". This is just example only la. Every form 1 student hates her coz she's so dammit retarded!! That's all la. Cya. (psst....I hate her a lot)

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