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Thursday, April 30, 2009


....Yesterday I have no time to post.....coz doing sejarah project. I started the day before yesterday which is Tuesday. Though I still haven't finish right now coz...... lazy la.... I only got a few things more to do until it is done which is the front cover and the conclusion [Credit]. Anyways, on Tuesday we had Moral test which makes everyone crazy about it. Damn hard. Definisi again...... me and Ji Shern was like.... :O So, at first the whole class said "Oh, my God!!" after seeing the questions. After that total silence. Then, I accidentally made some funny voice.....then said fuck..... Ji Shern made a stupid face and made me laugh......during test some more...... so Li Xin was like, "Can you please stop it or not? We are doing test la!!". So I almost laughed but I controlled myself. Anyways, today got science test. It was super easy. After I finished it, I started to sleep. Then Ji Shern also started to sleep after I slept. When I woke up after a short while, I realized my mouth was open!! Crap..... Then I went to sleep again.....then I woke up this time for real. After a short while Ji Shern woke up too. We both felt so freaking hot..... don't know why..... We started stretching our bodies and Pn Sumathi was watching us...... And I thought, "What the hell?". Well, this is all for today's post. Cya.

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