The Odd Life Of A Teenager: bored....... bored.......

I am damn bored right now........already read manga for about 5 hours....... No nice game to play........ Oh well, I'll just say what happened (nothing interesting)........ Yesterday my mom asked me wether today at school got anything important or not. So, I said don't have then she say today no need go to school la. I know why she don't want me to go coz she wants to wake up later in the morning. So, after prepare everything we went to a nearby temple to pray, then fetch my bro go to colledge. After that, go open shop. I have nothing to do since then except reading manga and posting this. Well, I plan to make this post long coz got nothing to do. I know I missed some interesting parts in school coz I read Victor's blog. His blog is always updated whenever he brings his phone to school to take pictures of almost everyone. Omg.......I am so bored.......... Someone introduce me a nice game.........I want to go play my PS1 but always play the same game.......The games are, Jackie Chan: Stun Master and Crash Team Racing (CTR). Haiz....... Someone spam something at my cbox please.....coz I am so bored no one to talk msn I talk to Lecus, no one reply.......And then, Victor is offline.....omg I am so darn bored......and it's raining so heavily right now and it made it so noisy.......coz of the metal surface of the walls.......... I just heard a Thunder strike......... I wish it was about 8 p.m. right now coz by that time my bro will be back from colledge and heading here with my dad.......... When he's here I am going to beg him to play with me CTR....... I think I am spamming my own blog right now since there is so many damned.........WORDS!! Want some pictures? Well, they are juz anime pictures so don't blame me if it's not nice.........I'll put the pictures later coz I feel like typing more then clicking coz I have been clicking for about 5 hours coz I need to click the manga page to go to the next page (What do you expect? This is an online manga not a book). Well the manga is actually a korean manga but not bad la. It's ARES. He's so cool using a master swordsman's sword (Not Korin's). Well his outfit not that nice lar but his skills are amazing. I found an armor which is damn cool. It's a Daraakian Black Knight's armor. Daraakians are the once that attacked Chronos but failed and got countered by the great general Icarus. Don't want tell more about it so you all can go read yourself in Onemanga.Wow! This posts is full of words!! Be patience.......I will put the pictures later on.......This is the first time I wrote so much. So what anime pictures should I put? Coz some of them I already posted on the previous posts........hmmmm......Let me check first, be right back......... I have some anime girl pictures which look quite cool. Please don't call me a pervert for taking this pictures. I took them coz they look cool or maybe hot. It's natural for me to take hot girl pictures right? Coz I am a guy dammit! Ok la.....ok la......I post the pictures now. Last reminder, I AM NOT A PERVERT!! Got some pictures I don't know what anime is it, but it looks cool so I just took it.

Code Geass

Gunslinger Girl

I don't know what anime.......

Shakugan No Shana

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