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Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I know, I's embarasing for a boy to play netball........I played it for fun anyways. I wouldn't have joined it if I knew that there was basketball earlier. After I join the netball team, then only the teachers tell us that there was a basketball tournament............SHIT!! The netball team's name is 'BORAT', made by Victor. I have no idea what is borat. I am don't talk hokkien and I talk CHINESE!! The members are Ian, Victor, Benjamin, Me, Vayshant, Jason and someone else (I forgot who he was). Today there was a match.........and it was a DRAW!! You heard that!? DRAW!! It's the first time in real life that my team got a draw!! 3-3. That's all.....I don't want to talk more about this embarasing thing anymore.............

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