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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sorry lar Victor......

C'mon lar Vic.........I am sorry man......I was just joking. Please la.....calm down man.......I am really really really really sorry ok? I admit, I was very stupid just now to write that in your cbox. And, Sera, It wasn't Vic that said ' f**k you ' . It was me, I was just joking.......coz I was so bored and had nothing to do......I am posting this at 11:30 p.m.. Vic.....sorry man. Fine, as an apologize......I'll let you hit me on Monday but please don't hit my balls.......coz it really hurts and also can cause death......... I won't be coming to school on Friday coz there is nothing to do and my mom wants to wake up late a bit in the morning coz she wants some rests. Please forgive me Vic.......I really don't mean it........ Cya, I'm going to go play my uncle's PS2.

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