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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Roller Skating

I went to learn Roller Skating a few days ago. Actually I already know how to skate but not that pro so I want to learn some skills like Edge Stop etc. There's a skill called heel stop or something. It's for braking and I want to learn how to do it so I can brake la or else later I fly at high speed then I don't know to stop. Ok let's skip this intro part. Ok... that day me, my bro and cousin went to the shop called Skateline to borrow their inline skates to learn. After that we went to a nearby park where they are teaching. Our instructor was Nixon. He is dam pro I tell you. Well of course la coz he is CERTIFIED instructor. Walao. Haiz.....lazy edi la.......bla bla bla bla bla. I ciao la course I bored of blogging now. 1:35AM right now somemore. Later watch Spiderwick Chronicles with family. Cya.

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