The Odd Life Of A Teenager: My Holiday at Melaka

My Holiday at Melaka

Last week was Chinese New Year which is Holiday week. So me and my family decided that we go to Melaka with my father's friend's family. The first place we went while at Melaka was......the 'Cowboy Town'. It was awesome. The whole place is like Texas.(except the Fun Fair). The Musical Parade was the best of all!! When the Fireworks took place it was so damn nice. It's like we have won something. Damn nice I tell you. Better go. And... the second place was....uh....where was it again? Oh yeah. It was the Animal Safari. I'll post some photos of there in the next post. Lazy to arrange the photos. There was 2 cute Tigers that did some very cute actions. I'll post them in the next post. So, the third place was....THE EYE ON MALAYSIA!! Wooooooot. It's a Ferris Wheel. XD. Btw it was damn nice sitting on it. That was my first time on a ferris wheel. Hehe. So... The second last place we went was......the sport place near the place I lived. Got go kart, mini go kart, paintball target shooting etc. I played the mini go kart coz I wanted to try Drifting. I was only able to do the starting of Drifting then my car juz go back to course. So...the last place we went was... the Chicken Rice Ball. The only thing that is special of it is the rice is a Ball. That's all. Nothing else. Oh ya it was located in the China Town? Not really sure. So that's all. Cya in the next post.

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