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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Mom's Birthday

Well, I celebrated with my mom's birthday with her and my family and a bunch of my brother's friends. It was the best birthday for my mom. EVER!! the Best. Serious. His friends are so good, not corrupted, fun to be with and they are.....awesome. Well, if compared to MY friends are VERY VERY VERY corrupted. Well, I admit I am corrupted. But if no one talks about corrupted things or sick things I won't start the topic at all. And I never wanted...juz dat I couldn't control and my mouth goes blah blah blah. Man... if oni my friends were like them.... Oh yeah there are also girls. Amazing. My bro...friends with girls. Miracle. But still... compare them with my current friends..... I rather be with my bro's friends...... Well, guys no offence. Man I wished I was in DJ. Coz I at least will know a senior which is my bro's friend's sister. Form 2. MAN.......I hate taman sea a lot man..... I WANT TO TRANSFER!! I CAN'T WAIT TILL NEXT YEAR!! DAM!!! Let me go there already...... Oh yeah 3 girls? or 4? They buli Hua Jen kau kau. Good for him. coz he bulied me first with sek cheng. Mehehehe. Well, that's all. I got to go upstairs edi. Cya.

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