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Friday, August 13, 2010


The title is just random. The only short title name I can come up with. XD Btw, my friends now going straight forward with each other to tell each other what they don't like bout each other. Btw I'm neutral. As I said in school, I am Neutral. Monopoly version,
Chan Weng Fatt is Neutral property.
Not for sale,
not for buy,
not for mortgage,
not for upgrade.
I am just a spectator. Watching what is happening from the shadows. They were very close and best friends. But one of them just changed a lot. From what I heard. IT'S CHAOS!! Everything was fine.... Until that very day. KABOOM. Their relationship changed a lot. Sad thing. Today, my class was on EMO. Not me. XD There were people upset, crying, pissed, sad. Still can't beat me, the EMO KING. XD When I emo that time, don't play play. XD I guess this is all? My posts are getting shorter.... =,=ll btw CYA

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