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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Lost good times...

Hi all. How long has it been since the last time I ever updated this dead blog? A lot has happened these past few months. Those who I was once close with are now distant... those who I barely talk to, are currently close to me... Still, there are those like, Bing Xi, Chee Poh, Soon Way, Stanleigh and some others that I'm still close with. But I still feel lonely without those whom I was very close with last year...
This year might just be the last year I'm in this school. The beginning of this year, my mom told if I could get good results for my Final Year Exam this year, she would help me transfer to SMKDJ. Later on, she told a friend that she would transfer me to SMKDJ. Usually, she wouldn't say anything that she isn't really going to do.

This year, I'm being more open instead of emo-ing like I did. So, when I thought of how my old friends from my primary school will treat me like last time, I became lost. There was once when my friend told me that, it's already been so long. Do they really still think of me as their close and best friend? But if stay in this school, there are no activities that I would like to participate in...

I felt lost...
I really' didn't think of that...
Am I being too naive?
Are they still going think of me as their best and close friend?
Will they treat me differently?
Will I regret transfering school?

I made a poll in this blog to help make up my mind... though I think there isn't anyone going to vote since this is a really dead blog? I'm planning to update this blog more...

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