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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Some pictures of people who have too much free time........

Wow!! Nice punching combo!!
I wonder who will win.......

I feel sorry for your death.......

Omg.......That statue is a pervert......

Friday, October 24, 2008


Congratulations Max and Ben!! You beat Victor in basketball!! I heard Ben, you reported about Victor bringing phone to school right? Good Job and Welldone!! We shall never give mercy to that insolent traitor. He deserves it!! Today I didn't come to school because nothing to do at school and I don't want to see Victor and listen to his arrogant bragings. Ben and Maxy Sexy Laxy Passy, you have brought a glorious victory to us!! That's all, cya!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Quit basketball.........

I don't want to play basketball at school anymore......coz it is so boring!! Team don't have strategy, all attack only, no positions. Worst part is I couldn't get the ball at all. I want to play but in the game do nothing only. Very boring. Rather stay at home and play games or listen to songs. Sorry Aaron, I quit your team.

Hey! Say! JUMP

HSJ songs are damn nice!! Their members are also cool!! Nice looking and nice hairstyle!! But the best part is their songs!! Damn nice. Thx to Audrey I got the songs. If you want any of HSJ songs ask Audrey.

Wow!! An advertisment from Lim Zhiong Sern.

Here's the video of the advertisment. Brought to you by 'Sony Ericson'.

Here's a picture of Zhiong Sern's busy moments.

Tada!! Job done!!

Traitors should never be forgiven........

Traitors should never be forgiven. Why do I say this? Coz someone betrayed me, Ben, Zhiong and Max. That person is, VICTOR GEH WEI KUAN!! He is a *****. Victor and Ben wanted to bring Zhiong and Max into the back of the Library. When they reach the door, Victor went in first, then Ben wanted to go in with the others. But then someone suddenly came to the door to close and lock it. You know what Victor did? He helped that person to close and lock the door!! TRAITOR!! Then they came back to class. I asked them where Victor was and they said he was inside and didn't let them to go in. I was pissed. Coz this is not the first time he betray us. Then I went to the library with them. We asked Victor to open the door to let us in. He said no! Then we got pissed and went back to class. We trashed his bags. When he came back, he saw his bag being trashed. I know he is pissed. So, we put the bags back to where it was and went back down to ask him to open the door again. We told him that we put it back. But he still scolded us and didn't open the door. You mother******* *****. You damned traitor. Go to hell!! You pissed all of us. Ben is damn piss right now. We have decided, you are not a friend of our's anymore. Sorry no cure. It will be good if you read this so that you will not disturb us when we ignore you. That's all.

Friday, October 17, 2008

One more......

One more anime picture. This post is the continued from the previous post. I didn't put this picture in the previous post coz it was all girls. This one is mixed (boy and girl). I think this is the last post for today. Hope you like it and Cya!!

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles bored.......

I am damn bored right now........already read manga for about 5 hours....... No nice game to play........ Oh well, I'll just say what happened (nothing interesting)........ Yesterday my mom asked me wether today at school got anything important or not. So, I said don't have then she say today no need go to school la. I know why she don't want me to go coz she wants to wake up later in the morning. So, after prepare everything we went to a nearby temple to pray, then fetch my bro go to colledge. After that, go open shop. I have nothing to do since then except reading manga and posting this. Well, I plan to make this post long coz got nothing to do. I know I missed some interesting parts in school coz I read Victor's blog. His blog is always updated whenever he brings his phone to school to take pictures of almost everyone. Omg.......I am so bored.......... Someone introduce me a nice game.........I want to go play my PS1 but always play the same game.......The games are, Jackie Chan: Stun Master and Crash Team Racing (CTR). Haiz....... Someone spam something at my cbox please.....coz I am so bored no one to talk msn I talk to Lecus, no one reply.......And then, Victor is offline.....omg I am so darn bored......and it's raining so heavily right now and it made it so noisy.......coz of the metal surface of the walls.......... I just heard a Thunder strike......... I wish it was about 8 p.m. right now coz by that time my bro will be back from colledge and heading here with my dad.......... When he's here I am going to beg him to play with me CTR....... I think I am spamming my own blog right now since there is so many damned.........WORDS!! Want some pictures? Well, they are juz anime pictures so don't blame me if it's not nice.........I'll put the pictures later coz I feel like typing more then clicking coz I have been clicking for about 5 hours coz I need to click the manga page to go to the next page (What do you expect? This is an online manga not a book). Well the manga is actually a korean manga but not bad la. It's ARES. He's so cool using a master swordsman's sword (Not Korin's). Well his outfit not that nice lar but his skills are amazing. I found an armor which is damn cool. It's a Daraakian Black Knight's armor. Daraakians are the once that attacked Chronos but failed and got countered by the great general Icarus. Don't want tell more about it so you all can go read yourself in Onemanga.Wow! This posts is full of words!! Be patience.......I will put the pictures later on.......This is the first time I wrote so much. So what anime pictures should I put? Coz some of them I already posted on the previous posts........hmmmm......Let me check first, be right back......... I have some anime girl pictures which look quite cool. Please don't call me a pervert for taking this pictures. I took them coz they look cool or maybe hot. It's natural for me to take hot girl pictures right? Coz I am a guy dammit! Ok la.....ok la......I post the pictures now. Last reminder, I AM NOT A PERVERT!! Got some pictures I don't know what anime is it, but it looks cool so I just took it.

Code Geass

Gunslinger Girl

I don't know what anime.......

Shakugan No Shana

New Manga

I found a damn nice manga in Onemanga. It's 'Ares'. It's about a boy in the Roman age. His name is Ares and he 'had' a master called Kiron. Kiron is a master Swordsman. People call him the Master Swordsman Of Wind because whenever he swings his sword, no one can see him doing it but can only listen to the sounds of wind. If his oppenent is also fast, he will listen to the whispers of wind to guide him. Just telling about the characters. If you want to know more go read the manga yourself la. Well, cya.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sorry lar Victor......

C'mon lar Vic.........I am sorry man......I was just joking. Please la.....calm down man.......I am really really really really sorry ok? I admit, I was very stupid just now to write that in your cbox. And, Sera, It wasn't Vic that said ' f**k you ' . It was me, I was just joking.......coz I was so bored and had nothing to do......I am posting this at 11:30 p.m.. Vic.....sorry man. Fine, as an apologize......I'll let you hit me on Monday but please don't hit my balls.......coz it really hurts and also can cause death......... I won't be coming to school on Friday coz there is nothing to do and my mom wants to wake up late a bit in the morning coz she wants some rests. Please forgive me Vic.......I really don't mean it........ Cya, I'm going to go play my uncle's PS2.

Anime Pictures


Code Geass
Samurai X
Fairy Tail
One Piece



You can get all this pictures from

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Some Pictures.

No way.......Ben is eating all my eclispse!!
Wow!! Ben's doing a basketball stun!!
Group pics

The pregant men love your balloon too much.........
And finally........Ian the Poser!!


Today in school there was another party (farewell party)............... Nothing really interesting happened in the party. Teachers gave speeches, balloon fight and then Robyn gave a speech. Then food comes, cakes, drinks and junk food. Well that's all. Farewell Robyn.................

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I know, I's embarasing for a boy to play netball........I played it for fun anyways. I wouldn't have joined it if I knew that there was basketball earlier. After I join the netball team, then only the teachers tell us that there was a basketball tournament............SHIT!! The netball team's name is 'BORAT', made by Victor. I have no idea what is borat. I am don't talk hokkien and I talk CHINESE!! The members are Ian, Victor, Benjamin, Me, Vayshant, Jason and someone else (I forgot who he was). Today there was a match.........and it was a DRAW!! You heard that!? DRAW!! It's the first time in real life that my team got a draw!! 3-3. That's all.....I don't want to talk more about this embarasing thing anymore.............

What's the problem being 'emo' ?

This is a very weird thing happening in the whole standard six. Sometimes like, people being quiet, some other people will start to call him/her EMO. Very weird right? Well, this happened to me. When I was angry, quiet or serious, my friends will ask me to stop being emo. The way that one of my friend says is like this, 'Stop being emo lar Chan'. I admit I am emo but, what is the problem being emo!? If you can't tell me what's the problem, then SHUT UP!! Because you have no rights to stop me from being emo. One more thing, not only me who is emo, some other people or maybe YOU are also emo. It's just that no one wants to say it. STUPID!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

One who is dumb should never boast.........

People who are foolish and dumb should never ever boast like as if they are smart. Once they did, others who are around them will hate him/her for at least 1 year. If you all think that I am talking crap.........I AM NOT!! Because.....I had experience this before........ I can't tell who is the one or else you all will say I am someone who is cruel to post this.......... Listen there fools, you should NEVER BOAST WHEN YOUR DUMB!! If you dare, then do it.......

Thursday, October 9, 2008

My holidays!! (This was a bit late........)

On the Hari Raya holidays (1 week) I went to Cameron Highland with me family and my friend's family. His father and my father were friends before we knew each other though. Alright let's go straight to the topic. We went to visit many places with plants........... There was one problem when we went there. It was no place to stay............we went to search for a place for 1 whole wasted......... and so on................. the best part was that we went to eat STEAMBOAT!!! It was damn nice!! Phew......lazy to write la......... I'll just put all the pics I got from Cameron.........
Oh ya, the friends were Vincent Chin and Tan Zhi Hao.


Today in school the whole year six did 'Batik' . First all of us thought it was boring and troublesome but the process it was actually fun. We have to paint it but it is easier than painting on a paper because we are actually painting on cloth! It was fun. After we done the painting and brought it home, we will have to put some sodiam on the batik so the colours can remain/stick on the cloth and wouldn't come out. Here's a picture of my batik with sodiams.

The whole Batik.....

The sodiams on the Batik......

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Something's wrong with me........

Something is really really really wrong with me! I keep changing my blog's URL......... That is the weird!! (even for me.....) I have two reason why I keep changing it...........

1. Changed my self -made I had to change the URL too coz my name is in it......

About this problem.......(changing my blog's URL), it's been solved!! :) I 'THINK' this will be permanant........think only ar......... Well......, don't worry......I won't change it so fast.........if I changed also no need to worry coz I'll tell my friends about it in their blog so if i changed......find from them.........