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Monday, May 4, 2009

Almost fainted/died......

Last Saturday went for karate..... I was late and missed the warm up so, me and my bro juz did the warm up ourselves. Then we join the class. [Blah Blah Blah]. Then we went and do the sparring. Horse stance hand sparring. Want me die ah senior? I hate it the most..... First, he put an Indian Girl to spar with me....... which I hate sparring with girls most? Dammit!! Then we need to switch partner. The senior came and ask me to spar with him. Bullshit. I kena belasah kau kau. His last punch was a triple combo. The last hit hit my stomach......Ouch..... So when we need to switch partners, I quickly went to my friend. So then, [Blah Blah Blah]. That's all. Cya.

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