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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Last Saturday....

Last Saturday, I had both good news and bad news. Which one first? I guess good news first? Ok, After Karate, I went to a proton car shop with my family. We finnaly got our new car!! Proton Exora. Not bad ya know? Got TV, GPS, what else? Bluetooth to answer phone calls. The whole car can listen. Bad news: I changed my tuition time to Sunday, at night because Saturday I need to go to SNS at Technology Park. The thing is, me, my bro and my cousin went there. Yes, we skated. Half Way. The road there was nice. But a security guard came and told us to turn back.......Damn him..... He said if we go further there will be wild boars........So, no choice la. Everyone ciao back to the carpark. Nixon said he wanted everyone to take shot guns next month to kill all the wild boars and Barbeque them. Nice...BBQ. But got malay people la...... well, that's all for now....i guess? so, Cya. And enjoy my new song.

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