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Thursday, May 21, 2009


I can't believe what happened yesterday night....... It's so terribile!! ARRGGHH!!! All my bitcomet files vanished........ Spore - 71.8%. GONE JUST LIKE THAT!! After a week of downloading...... This is how it happened. [Skip Beggining]. I closed everything and started to continue downloading spore. Then I wanted to open creature creator trial edition. The computer got stuck. I try clicking bitcomet but nothing I told my brother that I wanted to turn off the computer and on it again. After I on, I opened bitcomet. EVERYTHING GONE. So I restart computer. Today, I downloaded the newest version of bitcomet. Installed and I try to continue the spore torrent. That crap dares to say: Torrent_File_Too_Large. F**K!! T,T That's all.......cya.....gona go play GTA to cheer myself up..........

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