The Odd Life Of A Teenager: My Cats, Pipi and Mimi (Males)

My Cats, Pipi and Mimi (Males)

Well, today I feel like blogging. But, I just simply post things rite now. I took all this things yesterday (I think...). There's some video of my cats and even pictures. I hope they will be FAMOUS!! muahahaha!!

Pictures first:

Pipi the Gray Cat (I gave it a nickname which is fatty and cutie. You'll know why after you see everything.)

One more thing, he is SHY towards cameras......=,=''.


Mimi the Orange Cat. I also call it baby tiger and lazy ass coz it looks like a tiger and it is always sleeping...........

I only got 1 picture of him coz he was hiding somewhere. Then, poof! He suddenly came out....lolz. And that time I was in a hurry............

I'll post the Video on the next post.

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