The Odd Life Of A Teenager: Long time no blog.....

Long time no blog.....

Long time no blogging edi. I made some new friends through my old friends. Sien.....don't know what to write...... First thing's first, my brother finnaly made a blog. It's . Still plain though.....Just started. That noob needs a lot of my help (sorry for being perasan ah). Haiz.....oh yeah I am playing Blackout Ro again after such a long time......I really suck in PVP. Hmm....... what should I say somemore? Haiz....I really miss my old friends, Benjamin, Victor, Ian, Lecus, Kai Lit, Zhiong, Eddie and some others.... Guys, I got good news. Jason Chia going to transfer to DJ next year. And maybe, I AM COMING TOO!! Finnaly....hope has come..... You guys going back to SKTM on Teacher's day rite? Better come....I really miss you guys....especially Victor, Lecus and Kai Lit. Well, I get to see ben during Sundays because I go for skating. His church is just right next to the Skateline Shop. I am always passing by his church. But can't meet him. I try come earlier this Sunday so I can meet and talk to you after such a long time.......Ji Shern told me about your jokes in Cikgu Mustafa Tuition. Damn funny la...... hmm........Now I really feel lonely without u guys here...... Well this is all,Cya guys.

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