The Odd Life Of A Teenager: (o_o)


This is bout my life. After a long time of not blogging. few months already right? Haha.... My blog doesn't have many visitors already.... sad.... but its my own fault for not updating. Can't blame them. School life has been ODD.... First, EMO, then HYPER, then EMO, then HYPER~~~!! LMAO!! Everyday go to school, see people so happy. How bout me? Alone. A lone wolf. Emo King. Emo kid. Whatever you wanna call me. I feel so left out... Sometimes I talk to friends, trying to be friendly, but in the end, it's either I made them angry, annoyed or pissed. Or maybe sad. OR maybe irritated. That's why I chose to be EMO. Well, I AM emotional. I cry easily. People just can't see... I stop my tears from flowing down. So that others don't sympathies me. I don't like to be a pitiful person. I rather become an invisible human being than being pitiful. I do want friends to be there for me and with me. I'm human. Although sometimes, I hate being human. Coz, the world is like this, full of pollution, 2012 thing coming is caused by HUMANS. Filthy... There are others out there that feels the same as me. LEFT OUT. Not Left for dead. or left for dead 2. Life's harsh on me. I guess this is all. CYA.

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